
I am a victim of electronic torture, that is neural pain caused remotely by special electromagnetic waves. For this purpose nanotechnology and biotechnology may have been used without my consent.

Further mind control assaults are in progress. For example, mental abilities (like reading, writing, thinking, deciding, memory recall) are sabotaged or completely blocked and I am forced to listen to a voice-to-skull message almost every few seconds. In just one year I have been hearing over half a million offensive voice-to-skull messages! The total list of assaults takes several pages.

Focused radiation (ionizing and non-ionizing) and spraying of nanoparticles continue day and night inducing, apart from pain, cell damage that leads to incurable diseases or fatal diseases earlier than expected and with a lower probability of healing.

There are estimates that the number of people in covert electronic torture and health wrecking exceeds hundreds of thousands. The culprits are apparently criminal groups with members in all key positions of society, which even appear in the media.

It is outrageous that individuals responsible by law to prosecute people injuring other people using advanced technologies conduct trivial investigations with no results and leave victims defenseless.

In my opinion, a mere assertion that someone is tortured should suffice to mobilize a small team to intervene to stop the torture and punish harshly the persons accountable for it. As I described in my email to UN Human Rights Office in 2018, since technology allows with the simple press of a button to torture a person's mind from distance why shouldn't be that equally with the simple press of a button comes the punishment of the torturers and the legal entities that tolerate these phenomena in their area of responsibility?

It is appropriate to specify that the torture of prisoners in brutal regimes is in a different scale from the electronic torture. However the fact remains that the electronic torture is torture and its effects are detrimental and cancel human life.

If possible visit the Questions page for how to protect from the torturers and their technology. Anyway it is advisable to refrain from supporting groups who keep doing nothing about the victims of electronic torture or do everything to hide these crimes against humanity from the public.

These criminal groups organize a silent genocide of humans that don’t fit in their plans. It is only a couple of centuries back that many Native Americans were killed by enemy groups using superior guns (muskets and rifles) and a type of biowarfare (free contaminated blankets). In addition they go after valuable information anyone has which they acquire unwillingly from him/her with covert high-tech torturous and health damaging methods. Notice that their members are among the worst type of persons and this is easy to see. If they weren't, they wouldn't torture human beings 24 hours per day nor they would cover their co-members who torture.

To these members who have benefited from information (emails, web history, biological data) stolen from me or much worse extracted with electronic torture and permanent harm of my mind, body, and life, I say the following. Pretend mild surprise for the rebalancing actions against you and your supporters from the ones with the less lapses of consciousness. Remember the human rights crimes you have committed or facilitated for a long time now.

It is awkward that there are people with power that don’t participate in the aforementioned criminal groups, but still they let them run in opposition to the convention of protecting human lives, the public interest, and their own interests. What they seem not to grasp is that with the information they collect from torture victims they multiply their profits at their expense and the chances to successfully attack their projects in development. And if they are not physical targets for the moment, they may become such at any time probably with an even more untraceable, unbeatable, painful, or lethal technology. Something to ponder upon.